Trusting Your Intuition: A Journey of Guidance and Confirmation
Intuition is the silent whisper of the soul, the guiding force that nudges us toward the unknown with an unshakable knowing. Many dismiss these subtle urges, but for those who listen, the rewards can be profound. This journey of trust often unfolds in unexpected ways, offering both confirmation and empowerment.
Recently, I was guided to perform an energetic spirit removal and a spiritual cleanse over a house. I followed my intuition step by step, clearing the energy and restoring balance. But just when I thought the process was complete, another nudge came—one that I couldn’t ignore. I was guided to use a violet candle coated in cedar oil, infused with mugwort, to amplify the work I had already done. Without questioning, I followed through, trusting that there was a deeper reason for this addition.
At first, it was unclear why this extra step was necessary, but intuition works beyond the limits of conscious understanding. As I lit the candle, I felt an undeniable shift in the energy. The air became lighter, and a deep sense of completion settled over the process. Later, I learned that this specific combination—violet for transmutation, cedar for protection and grounding, and mugwort for heightened spiritual clarity—had served as the final key to sealing the cleanse. This was a powerful confirmation: my intuition had led me exactly where I needed to be.
Moments like these reaffirm why it’s so vital to trust our inner guidance. Logic and reason have their place, but intuition taps into something much greater—an unseen web of wisdom that connects us to the truth beyond what the eyes perceive. When we listen and act on these intuitive nudges, we not only align with divine timing but also cultivate a deeper sense of trust in ourselves.
So, the next time your intuition calls—whether it’s a sudden urge to take an unexpected action, a feeling that won’t go away, or a knowing that defies explanation—lean into it. Follow it. Because in doing so, you allow the unseen forces of wisdom to reveal themselves, leading you exactly where you’re meant to be.
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